
Pizza To The Rescue!

After last week’s visit to Pizzeria Libretto I was inspired. And on a Wednesday night, with little left in the fridge and an appetite for gourmet, I had a thought: do as the Italians do! Recreate Libretto’s house-made sausage pizza!

Now this was not a true recreation effort. I knew I had some leftover store-bought dough in the freezer, some Johnsonville Italian sausages to finish up, as well as a green pepper and some onions. I was not about to make my own sausage, at least not at 7 pm on a weeknight. So my expectations were…realistic (low?). But I knew I could whip up something fairly fantastic to accompany my Survivor/Modern Family TV night.

I started off with some garlic and chilly flakes in olive oil warming on the stove while the dough defrosted. Then I removed the garlic and turned up the heat, sautéing sliced onions and green pepper.

I added in the chopped up sausage and away we went! I kept the dressing simple, drizzling olive oil and scattering some Parmegiano Reggiano cheese over the dough. I then topped it with the sausage mixture.  A sprinkling of cheese over top and into the oven!

Voila! This pizza was great, but I must say, it didn’t hold a candle to Libretto’s pie. But that’s just fine. It was the perfect match for my quiet night in, and there was even enough left for my favourite thing, LEFTOVERS!

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