
A Starter Is Born

Isn’t she a beauty.

After a failed attempted last fall to cultivate a starter culture for leavening bread, I was disappointed but definitely not put off.  But then the holidays arrived and all my baking time was taken up with sweet, traditional treats.

Now that the new year has started, I thought it was the right time to try again for a bread family.

It was as simple as adding equal parts flour and water together.  Now that she’s mixed, I’ll keep her in a cool dark place. Each day I will remove some of the starter and feed it with more flour and water. Slowly, the yeast present in the flour and in the air will react with the atmosphere and form a bubbly leaven.

If all goes to plan, within about a week, she should be strong and developed enough to leaven some homemade bread, without the need for commercial yeast. Just flour and water and nature. Gotta love that.

Stay tuned for the naming ceremony. You’re all invited.

For more information on bread making, these are my favourite reference books: Bourke St. Bakery and Tartine Bread.

Comments (2)

  • She IS lovely! I could give you a standing ovation right now for trying again. We’ve done this 3 times and failed every time. Fingers crossed for success! And looking forward to the naming ceremony too 🙂

    Great job!!!

  • […] (yet to be named) girl had some rough starts. There was the promise of beautiful things and then some major […]


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