
I’ve Bean Missing You…

What a great weekend! Bright, sunny skies, warm air, everyone outside to enjoy the blooming lilac trees…it feels like Spring has finally sprung! After a beautiful weekend like this, you would think I’d turn to something festive, like summer barbeque and cold beers for supper. A way to extend the day and trigger fond memories from summers past. But tonight, all I want is comfort food.

Maybe it’s all the excitement I’ve had of late, or the promise of another big week ahead. Whatever it is, I need a good memory-filled meal, and I need it now.

Beans on toast. A humble meal. One that is often eaten while camping, or when you have absolutely nothing else in the house and the stores are all closed and you’ve got to eat. Strange as it may seem, I really love beans on toast.

It hasn’t always been this way. When I was a child, I would eat baked beans with cut up hot dogs thrown in and toast, but only on the side. If even a drop of bean sauce touched my toast, it was over. I think I also put ketchup on it. And every fork-full of beans had to have a bite of hot dog in it to make it taste better. All these factors had to be in place, or else I couldn’t do it.

As a grown up, I can’t believe how my tastes have changed. Now I welcome the chance to enjoy hot, buttered toast, crispy but not burnt, and warm, tomatoey beans on top. It’s not something I have all the time, but I make sure I always have a can of baked beans tucked away in the cupboard for when the craving strikes.

This was also a staple menu item during my travels. Cheap, only one pot to dirty in the hostel kitchen, and quick to clean up.

I love that it’s easy to put together, it fills me up like a proper meal, and it tastes great too. Now that’s comfort food.

And don’t forget the pièce de résistance–A tall, cold glass of milk on the side. The perfect companion to this comforting Sunday night meal. Now have yourself a great week!

What’s your favourite comfort food? Are you a lover of baked beans like me?

Baked Beans on Toast

1 can baked beans
2 slices bread
Copious amounts of butter
A tall, cold glass of milk

Empty contents of can into a saucepan and heat over medium heat until almost boiling. Turn down and simmer.
While beans are simmering, toast bread to desired amount. Slather with butter.

Serve hot beans over buttered toast. Enjoy with a cold glass of milk.


Comments (8)

  • love beans on toast! great comfort-y favourite 🙂

  • Oh my goodness! I would have never thought of this, Melanie! It looks really good and yeah, comforting. I might have to try this for lunch today 🙂

    I hope your week started off well!

    • Thanks Sarah. My week is starting off well, hoping it lasts through the week. And how about you?

      • Well, I don’t have beans, so I’m bummed, lol. Other than that so far so good. I’m glad yours is off to the right start! xoxo

        • oh no! Ah well, it wasn’t meant to bean. Bahaha…Have a good one!

          • HAHAHAHAHA! I’m going to the grocery store, so there, lol. 🙂 You too Melanie!

  • I love beans! I ate them almost every day for 4 months in Central America and wasn’t sick of them once.

    • Yay! A fellow bean lover. Ever have them heated up over the fire? Perfection:)


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