So Valentine’s Day is approaching, and you want to impress your special Mister or Miss. But you’re not the type of couple who wants to fight the crowds at the restaurant and waste all night getting there and getting home.
If life has handed you lemons, can I suggest you make lemon meringue mini cupcakes?
Believe me, it’s easier than you may think.
I can’t take all the credit for this. I stumbled upon Matt’s blog, Matt Bites and found this ode to citrus.
World Nutella Day you ask? Could it be?! Oh yes, yes it’s true. Created by Sara from Ms.
What do you get when you take a half-opened can of tomatoes, leftover chick peas and wilting spinach?
Over the holidays, I was dealing with some longstanding dental issues. While I was laid up nursing a sore mouth, food became a focus of my life more than ever. What I could eat, when I could eat, IF I could eat.
So you’ve listened to my advice and tried the Upside-Down Apple Pancake. It came out just as you’d hoped, everyone loved it, you are the master of your kitchen domain. Good for you!
Except there’s just one teeny tiny thing:You’re left with two extra egg yolks.
That’s why I’ll always keep this recipe around. This upside-down apple pancake is an old fave in my family. It’s fairly easy, it’s just special enough to impress without feeling OTT, and it’s oh so delicious.
Isn’t she a beauty.
After a failed attempted last fall to cultivate a starter culture for leavening bread, I was disappointed but definitely not put off.